Why use our services?
Aquatic weed control is more than just suppressing invasive plants, it is about the restoration of beautiful habitats. In any ecosystem, there needs to be a balance for the body of water to be healthy. A healthy lake has many things going for it:
Clean, clear water
Appropriate aquatic plant life
Biodiverse species (e.g., waterfowl, fish, etc.)
A lake or pond that has turbid water, and smells, has fish kills and masses of aquatic weeds and algae forming mats on the surface is in need of help. These fresh water bodies indicate a significant management program is needed, one in which our aquatic weed control service can play a critical role.
We are: eco-friendly, fast, and effective.
stop Non-Chemical Weed Control
Our screens are a "green" solution to the aquatic weed problem that effects 85% of all fresh water bodies around the world. This tool is 100% effective in the control of subsurface aquatic weeds. It is one of the only non-chemical lake weed control solutions.
increase native
plant regrowth
While it may seem counterintuitive to deprive aquatic plants of sunlight in order to sustain native plant life, it is required. Milfoil is such an invasive plant that it chokes out all surrounding native plant life, leaving no nutrients options for fish.
increase native biodiversity
After the 4-8 week period of the milfoil's decomposition, native plant life begins to regrow. Our model is ecologically sustainable because the regrowth of native plants supplies organisms with nutrients to survive.